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学术讲座第七十九讲:Wave Effects of Gravitational Waves


报告题目:Wave Effects of Gravitational Waves

报  告 人:何建华 副教授,南京大学





Wave effects are a crucial aspect of gravitational waves. When the wavelength of GWs is comparable to or greater than the Schwarzschild radius of an object, the propagation of gravitational waves no longer follows geometrical optics, and coherence and interference can occur. Despite their significance, studying these wave effects can be challenging due to their complexity.

In this talk, I will discuss numerical techniques for simulating these effects in the gravitational field of a Schwarzschild black hole. I will talk about the Huygens’ principle of waves in curved spacetime and the back-scattering effect of the interaction between GWs and the background curvature. Finally, I will discuss the potential detectability of these wave effects in aLIGO.


南京大学天文与空间科学学院副教授。2006年获上海交通大学物理学学士学位。2011年获复旦大学理论物理博士学位。2011-2015年在意大利国家天文台从事博士后研究工作。2015-2018年获英国杜伦大学International Junior Research Fellowship,在杜伦大学计算宇宙学中心(ICC,Durham)从事研究工作。2018年12月获南京大学登峰B计划资助,加盟天文与空间科学学院。主要从事宇宙学研究。研究领域包括,宇宙微波背景辐射以及宇宙大尺度结构形成。参与欧空局Euclid卫星项目,以及由美国能源部主导的Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)巡天项目。目前发表第一作者/通讯作者论文24篇,其中包括1篇Nature Physics, 1篇Nature Astronomy(2018年12月刊封面),3篇Phys.Rev.Lett。长期担任PRL,PRD,MNRAS,JCAP等期刊审稿人。